Category: Books

“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: The Original 1865 Illustrated Edition” by Lewis Caroll

Lewis Carroll (the pen name of Charles Dodgson) was inspired to write down the now classic tale of

“Flatland: ‘A Romance of Many Dimensions’ by A Square” by Edwin A Abbott

Edwin A. Abbot’s (aka “A Square”) was a prominent 19th century Christian theologian. His “Flatland”

Peter Pan: The Original 1911 Peter and Wendy Edition” by J. M. Barrie

Peter Pan has been a kid favorite for more than 100 years, widely known through various movies.

“The Transcript of the Scopes Monkey Trial: Complete and Unabridged” edited by Anthony Horvath

The Scopes Monkey Trial was a watershed moment in American history, pitting ‘old time religion’ against the growing acceptance of Darwinism. Strictly speaking, the Darwinists lost: Scopes was declared guilty. However, Clarence Darrow won in the court of public opinion.

“The Tale of Peter Rabbit: The Original 1901 Edition” by Beatrix Potter

This is the edition that was printed by Beatrix Potter before she could find a publisher, which

“Common Sense” by Thomas Paine

Published in January of 1776, Thomas Paine’s fiery defense for independence came at just the right moment to turn the tide of American opinion towards freedom and

“Grimms’ Household Fairy Tales: The Original 1812 Collection” by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm

“Household Tales” was published in 1812 by the brothers Grimm and has been entertaining the masses ever since.  However, it was known not just for “Little Red Riding

“Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë’s classic tale of tumultuous love thrown up against envy, regret,

“Wonderful Stories for Children: With Original 1846 Illustrations” by Hans Christian Andersen

“Wonderful Stories for Children” by Hans Christian Andersen was originally published in Dutch but was first

“The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen: Danish Legends and Folk Tales”

It was Hans Christian Andersen who brought us the story of “The Little Mermaid,” “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” and other classic folk and fairy tales, legends