Consultant Success Fee Agreement

When it comes to hiring a consultant, many clients are hesitant to pay a significant upfront fee. In response, consultants often offer success fee agreements, which allow the client to pay a percentage of the results achieved.

What is a success fee agreement?

A success fee agreement, also known as a performance-based fee agreement, is a contract between a client and a consultant that allows the consultant to be paid based on the success of their work. This means that the consultant will only be paid a percentage of the results achieved, rather than a flat fee.

Why do consultants offer success fee agreements?

Consultants offer success fee agreements as a way to reduce the risk for their clients. With a success fee agreement, the consultant is incentivized to produce results and is only paid if they achieve those results. This means that the client can be confident that they are only paying for actual results rather than the potential for results.

What are the benefits of a success fee agreement?

There are several benefits to a success fee agreement for both the client and consultant:

1. Reduced risk: Clients are often hesitant to invest in consultants because of the high upfront costs. With a success fee agreement, the risk is reduced for the client because they are only paying for results.

2. Incentivized performance: Consultants are incentivized to perform at their best because their payment is tied to the results they achieve.

3. Improved ROI: Because the consultant is only paid based on the results achieved, the client can expect a better return on investment.

4. Better alignment: Success fee agreements help align the interests of the client and consultant because both parties are focused on achieving the same end goals.

5. Increased trust: Because the consultant is only paid based on the results achieved, there is increased trust between the client and consultant.

What should be included in a success fee agreement?

When drafting a success fee agreement, it is important to include the following:

1. The percentage of the success fee: This should be clearly outlined in the agreement.

2. The timeframe for achieving the results: The agreement should specify the timeframe for achieving the results and the timeline for payment.

3. The metrics for success: The agreement should outline the metrics that will be used to measure success.

4. The scope of work: It is important to clearly outline the scope of work to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of what is expected.

5. Termination clauses: The agreement should include clauses for termination in case the consultant is unable to achieve the desired results.


Success fee agreements can be a great way for consultants to reduce the risk for their clients while also incentivizing their own performance. When drafting a success fee agreement, it is important to clearly outline the percentage of the success fee, the metrics for success, the timeframe for achieving the results, and the scope of work. With a well-crafted success fee agreement, both the client and consultant can benefit.